Sunday 29 November 2015

You can prevent your self form diabetes


Information on how to prevent diabetes
from A4M Longevity Magazine eJournal . . .

Fish Diet

More Fish May Lower Diabetes Risk

Salmon, herring, and sardines are among good sources of omega-3 fatty acids that may help to reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes.
Type-2 diabetes is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world. In that previous studies posit that overweight is a significant risk factor, diet and other lifestyle factors may have potential as interventive approaches to reduce a person’s risk of Type-2 diabetes. Jyrki K. Virtanen, from the University of Eastern Finland (Finland), and colleagues analyzed data collected in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD), determining the serum omega-3

Current Headlines in Diabetes Prevention

Simple Way to Stabilize Blood Sugar

30 grams of protein at breakfast may help reduce glucose spikes, among type-2 diabetic adults.

Choose Carrots to Offset Diabetes Risk 

Diets abundant in foods delivering alpha and beta-carotenes may lower type-2 diabetes risk, among healthy adults.

Less Sleep, More Weight? 

Losing as little as 30 minutes of sleep per day on weekdays may be particularly problematic for type-2 diabetics.

Dietary Choices May Defeat Diabetes 

What foods contain a specific compound that lowers insulin resistance and reduces inflammation?

Tree Nuts Reduce Heart Disease & Diabetes Risks 

People who consume pistachios, cashews, almonds, pecans and walnuts may be less obese and have fewer risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.

Olive Oil May Protect Against Diabetes 

Consuming a Mediterranean diet that is rich in extra virgin olive oil may be an effective way to protect people at high-risk for heart disease against diabetes.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

What is Diabetes


Information on how to prevent diabetes
from A4M Longevity Magazine eJournal . . .

Fish Diet

More Fish May Lower Diabetes Risk

Salmon, herring, and sardines are among good sources of omega-3 fatty acids that may help to reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes.
Type-2 diabetes is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world. In that previous studies posit that overweight is a significant risk factor, diet and other lifestyle factors may have potential as interventive approaches to reduce a person’s risk of Type-2 diabetes. Jyrki K. Virtanen, from the University of Eastern Finland (Finland), and colleagues analyzed data collected in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD), determining the serum omega-3

(KIHD), determining the serum omega-3...

Current Headlines in Diabetes Prevention

Simple Way to Stabilize Blood Sugar

30 grams of protein at breakfast may help reduce glucose spikes, among type-2 diabetic adults.

Choose Carrots to Offset Diabetes Risk 

Diets abundant in foods delivering alpha and beta-carotenes may lower type-2 diabetes risk, among healthy adults.

Less Sleep, More Weight? 

Losing as little as 30 minutes of sleep per day on weekdays may be particularly problematic for type-2 diabetics.

Dietary Choices May Defeat Diabetes 

What foods contain a specific compound that lowers insulin resistance and reduces inflammation?

Tree Nuts Reduce Heart Disease & Diabetes Risks 

People who consume pistachios, cashews, almonds, pecans and walnuts may be less obese and have fewer risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.

Olive Oil May Protect Against Diabetes 

Consuming a Mediterranean diet that is rich in extra virgin olive oil may be an effective way to protect people at high-risk for heart disease against diabetes.

Diabetes - Control Your Blood Sugar


Expert Author Idaline Hall
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body does not properly process sugar. While diabetes often runs in families, its onset and course cannot be predicted or prevented. But, with medication, proper nutrition and exercise, diabetics live healthy lives.
Uncontrolled, however, it can cause heart and blood vessel disorders that may lead to blindness, gangrene, kidney disease, and even death.
There are two basic types of diabetes. Type I, the more severe, is caused by a deficiency of the hormone insulin. With Type II, or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, there may be enough insulin, but the body's cells have trouble using it.
In either form, excess sugar builds up in the blood because insulin is unable to regulate it. The sugar then "spills" into the urine, where it is excreted from the body. Frequent urination or excessive thirst often signals high blood sugar levels.
Having diabetes means you need to eat foods from each food group. Include breads and cereals, milk products, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, nuts and legumes, and fats and oils.
Minimize sugars and fats while maximizing starches and proteins. The old standard of avoiding carbohydrates no longer applies. In fact, a diet in which 50 to 60% of total calories is obtained through complex carbohydrates is recommended. Keep fat to 30% of calories.
Control your caloric intake; being overweight makes diabetes worse. Weight management, especially in Type II diabetes, is crucial. Losing even a small amount of weight can improve or even normalize blood sugar levels in older diabetics.
Type I diabetics must eat meals on a regular schedule in order to balance their injections of insulin. All diabetics need to space their meals throughout the day so as to minimize extreme highs and lows of blood sugar levels.
If you haven't been physically active, start slowly and build the intensity. Consult your doctor before starting your exercise program. Be aware that strenuous exercise can throw you out of balance by lowering blood glucose too much; this could lead to hypoglycemia.
Moderate exercise helps lower blood sugar by "burning" it off, making tissues more responsive to insulin and reducing weight. It also reduces fat and cholesterol in the bloodstream and lowers blood pressure. This is important because diabetics are at high risk for heart and vascular diseases.
Babies born to diabetics have a greater risk of birth defects than others. To minimize the risk:
  • Get your body in the best possible condition three to six months before you conceive. If you must lose weight, do it under supervision of your doctor.
  • Choose a doctor trained to care for diabetic mothers and their babies.
  • Closely monitor your blood glucose before and during your pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding is good for both you and the baby, but it will set up new conditions for controlling blood sugar.
Respectfully Submitted by Idaline Hall. For more health quick tips you might find interesting, visit:

Type 2 Diabetes - What About Chocolate?


Expert Author Beverleigh H Piepers
The very mention of the word chocolate activates the sweet tooth in many of us. Yet, for diabetics, it serves as a delicacy that has to be kept to a bare minimum, or completely eliminated altogether. But is this kind of extreme policing really necessary? Some say no.
While regular chocolate isn't really the healthy food option many of us would like to believe it is, there is considerable research backing up the positive effects dark chocolate can have on your body. Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, the same heart-healthy component found in red wine. This type of flavonoid comes from the high percentage of cocoa. That's why white chocolate or regular chocolate do not contain such extreme levels of flavonoids - no high cocoa content.
Eat only dark chocolate, not milk or white chocolate. Consuming brands containing at least 60 percent cacao (the base product from which chocolate is made), means you are giving your body the benefit of powerful heart-healthy antioxidants. Do you know white chocolate isn't even chocolate... it's fat.
Whilst dark chocolate is delicious, this melt-in-your-mouth luxury is capable of reducing your risk for heart attack and lowers your blood sugar level also.
Doctors have found that consuming a healthy helping of the "sweet stuff" improves blood sugar metabolism. The key word here being "healthy". Unfortunately, this is not one of those situations where the more you eat, the better the result. As with anything pertaining to a person with Type 2 diabetes, it all comes down to moderation.
But the positive effects are not only limited to diagnosed Type 2 diabetics. It appears consuming small amounts of dark chocolate is also great for:
  • lowering blood pressure, and
  • improving insulin sensitivity.
Since insulin sensitivity is one of the key factors in developing Type 2 diabetes, eliminating this risk factor means a much lower odds of developing the disease.
Dark chocolate has been linked to lowering blood pressure. Again, this is good for the heart, which in turn means good news for people with Type 2 diabetes. Since heart complications are a major contributor to diabetes-related deaths, finding something that helps to beat those odds is always something to celebrate. If that treatment involves the word "chocolate", then its even better.
Compounds that are rich in antioxidants also translates into higher insulin sensitivity. This is even more good news for diabetics. Dark chocolate has the ability to:
  • increase blood flow by increasing the production of nitric oxide, which causes arteries to relax,
  • significantly decrease blood pressure,
  • help the cardiovascular system,
  • improve the level of HDL or "good" cholesterol
  • help process glucose and keep blood sugar levels stable,
  • improve the sensitivity of insulin.
This means dark chocolate can emerge as a wonder food that is also pleasing to eat. No matter if it is for baking, garnish on treats or simply a snack, it seems dark chocolate is a truly guilty pleasure.
In view of the above, I think people with or without Type 2 diabetes could quite easily justify one square of dark chocolate each day!
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments.
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

The Cause of Sugar Cravings


Expert Author Robert Carlson, M.D. FACS
The cause of sugar cravings is multi-faceted - emotional, physical, psychological, serotonin, release of dopamine and much more.
You may never think of chocolate the same and that's good news as it's at the top of the list of food items most commonly craved. Chocolate and sugary foods release opioids upon consumptions.
Yes, opioids - just like opium or heroin.
Opioids will bind to brain receptors, triggering feelings of pleasure and well-being. Further evidence that supports the stimulation of opiate receptors by chocolate is that blocking the receptors will reduce the cravings.
Cause of Sugar Cravings and Sucrose
A 2005 Swedish study proved that sucrose causes the release of endogenous opioids and thus triggers more sugar consumption. Chocolate also causes the brain to release endorphins and contains small amounts of Anandamide, an endogenous cannibinoid that has similar effects on the brain as marijuana. The cause of sugar cravings is multifaceted.
Another neurotransmitter involved in the cause of sugar cravings and will increase them is serotonin. When we eat sugar or other refined carbohydrates, they are easily broken down and converted to glucose, and fructose. In response to this glucose load, the brain releases serotonin and beta-endorphins.
Serotonin has many functions in the body and is most known for making us euphoric and feeling good. And low Serotonin states with depression and fatigue will cause sugar cravings and promote more cravings. That's why these sweets are the cause of sugar ravings and become so addictive.
There is a very interesting parallel however. What happens when you take a "natural" substance out of nature, and refine it so much so that you can optimize its biological and chemical activity?
Cause of Sugar Cravings and Sugar Cane
By the way, cocaine is a drug that is refined from cocoa leaves, opium and heroin from the poppy flower and yes, sugar from a gnarly piece of plant called sugar cane. We made sugar what it is today. We processed it, and then we accentuated the "sweet business" by adding another "natural" product called high fructose corn syrup.
We are doing this to ourselves and we have created a country teeming with illness that unfortunately is being perpetuated by the ridiculous low-fat diet. Or we could say high sugar diet. There is so much more to the cause of sugar cravings though.
Psychological components are at hand in the cause of sugar cravings. Enticing foods, memorable food experiences, and vivid visual imagery of a delicious slice of chocolate cake cause the release of dopamine. A cause of sugar cravings is the addictive pleasure hormone that is also released during sex and drug use.
Of all the substances we consume that are damaging, sugar is the most harmful as it ignites inflammation and inflammation causes heart disease. We can see the result of excessive sugar in diabetes, obesity and cancer as well. Having seen the ravages of damaged hearts for 15 years as a heart surgeon, my goal today is helping patients prevent disease. A huge step in prevention is overcoming sugar addiction. To learn how you can easily end sugar addiction, visit

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Improve Your Health


am very sure that this article will be very important for any diabetic that come across it. You may be happy to hear that there is an outstanding diabetes natural cure to battle this problem. This natural cure for diabetes reveals scientifically proven principles that can help trigger your body to naturally produce more insulin, reverse diabetes symptoms without the need for medication...
The health condition called diabetes is a state of health where sugar is not well absorbed by the body. You may be surprise to hear that the rate of folks that will be suffering from diabetes is likely to go beyond 250 million by 2025 worldwide - resulting in 6 million episodes of renal failure, 8 million instances of blindness or eye surgery, 2 million amputations, 35 million heart attacks, 62 million deaths and 13 million strokes - that is a measure of the scale of the severe health condition known as diabetes. Despite the fact that diabetes belongs at the top of the healthcare agenda, but that position is yet to be given to it.
The (ADA) American Diabetes Association states that there are about 21 million folks suffering from diabetics in America; with an additional 54 million folks having pre-diabetes (placing them at high risk for developing Type II diabetes). Adding the number together, it gives the total of 75 million of Americans being at risk of diabetes or having diabetes.
With all the attention focused on insulin and blood sugar level, however, the primary cause has been ignored. Many doctors are failing to treat the primary cause of diabetes as stated by a health advocate and best-selling author by name Joe Barton. What they do is to treat the symptoms of diabetes with pharmaceutical medications and chemicals that most often leave the victims with side effects and a long term dependency on these drugs.
The main reason some doctors may be failing to understand is that diabetes is not a disease, it is an outward reaction coming directly from the pancreas that results in the body no longer being able to produce normal amounts of insulin as a result of the pancreas being run down.
Joe states that if the damage done to the pancreas can be turned around, the organ will be given the chance to heal itself and then, gradually, it is possible for those who are dependent on insulin shots to be able to stop using them. This means that victims of diabetes may no longer have to be dependant on the medications and drugs that are generally taken to treat diabetes.
You can reverse diabetes by means of diabetes natural cure method. How diabetes victims get the condition and how they can reverse it for good is what you should strive hard to learn. The new finding on how to cure diabetes naturally is called "The Diabetes-Reversal Report". I would like to use this article to extend the opportunity to anybody who is either suffering from diabetes Type 1 or diabetes Type 2, or is at high risk of getting it, to learn how he/she can reverse diabetes naturally.
Dave Woodgate is a prolific writer and has being using his free time to write articles on diabetes to educate other sufferers. So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now: Diabetes Reversal Report
You can learn how he used natural remedies for diabetes to set himself free at his blog and how he did it at