Information on how to prevent diabetes
from A4M Longevity Magazine eJournal . . .
More Fish May Lower Diabetes Risk
Salmon, herring, and sardines are among good sources of omega-3 fatty acids that may help to reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes.
Type-2 diabetes is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world. In that previous studies posit that overweight is a significant risk factor, diet and other lifestyle factors may have potential as interventive approaches to reduce a person’s risk of Type-2 diabetes. Jyrki K. Virtanen, from the University of Eastern Finland (Finland), and colleagues analyzed data collected in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD), determining the serum omega-3
Current Headlines in Diabetes Prevention
Simple Way to Stabilize Blood Sugar▶
30 grams of protein at breakfast may help reduce glucose spikes, among type-2 diabetic adults.
Choose Carrots to Offset Diabetes Risk ▶
Diets abundant in foods delivering alpha and beta-carotenes may lower type-2 diabetes risk, among healthy adults.
Less Sleep, More Weight? ▶
Losing as little as 30 minutes of sleep per day on weekdays may be particularly problematic for type-2 diabetics.
Dietary Choices May Defeat Diabetes ▶
What foods contain a specific compound that lowers insulin resistance and reduces inflammation?
Tree Nuts Reduce Heart Disease & Diabetes Risks ▶
People who consume pistachios, cashews, almonds, pecans and walnuts may be less obese and have fewer risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.
Olive Oil May Protect Against Diabetes ▶
Consuming a Mediterranean diet that is rich in extra virgin olive oil may be an effective way to protect people at high-risk for heart disease against diabetes.